B&B Miramare

Benvenuti ad Agerola, nel cuore della Costiera Amalfitana

Passione e tradizione

Il nostro B&B nasce dalla passione per le tradizioni locali di Agerola e della Costiera Amalfitana, per i sapori tipici e per le bellezze naturali della nostra terra, che ci piace valorizzare e far conoscere ai nostri ospiti.

Il luogo

La struttura è arroccata tra rocce calcaree a strapiomb, a 600 metri sul livello del mare e si estende su tre livelli rifiniti in pietre e mattoni. Tra le imponenti cime dei Monti Lattari e il verde intenso della vegetazione boschiva si può ammirare lo splendore mediterraneo della Conca di Amalfi e l'intero Golfo di Salerno, grazie a una incantevole vista panoramica.

Sentirsi a casa

Ci piace far sentire a casa i nostri ospiti, avvolgerli in un'atmosfera familiare e regalandogli uno splendido paesaggio. Il soggiorno nelle nostra struttura rappresenta un connubio perfetto tra tranquillità e benessere, tra riposo e mondanità.

Cibo genuino

Gestiamo una piccola fattoria a conduzione familiare, coltiviamo i nostri orti come ci è stato insegnato dai nostri nonni. Prepariamo conserve e confetture raccogliendo frutta e ortaggi dai nostri campi, produciamo formaggi freschi e stagionati e, ogni mattina, prepariamo torte con uova fresche. E da bere? Buon vino e limoncello, rigorosamente fatti in casa!


Amiamo e rispettiamo la natura: il nostro B&B autoproduce energia da fonti rinnovabili. Siamo dotati di un impianto fotovoltatico e solare termico che ci rende autosufficienti all'80%, riducendo l'impatto ambientale della tua vacanza!

Perché scegliere noi?

Amiamo essere cordiali, disponibili e offrire servizi personalizzati ai visitatori, per rendere il nostro B&B Miramare una cornice perfetta per godere di un soggiorno spensierato e in pieno relax, con esperienze uniche e indimenticabili in Costiera Amalfitana.

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Valutazione di ECCELLENTE
In base a 237 recensioni
Carino ☺ Staff molto gentile e disponibile. ☹ La distanza dai punti di interesse, la colazione così così.
☺Mycket trevlig personal samt fantastiskt läge.
☺Great location, great view and superb host ☹Cleanliness, location, responsive host
Ottimo ☺ Anche se in collina piacevole stacco dalla vita caotica di Amalfi raggiungibile in pochi minuti. La struttura ne vale la pena. Forza Gerardo
super Lage, Super Unterkunft, Super Gastfreundlich! ☺Super Lage mit tollem Ausblick, sehr viel Liebe zum Detail. Super nette Begrüßung. Für Alle Fragen ein Ohr. tolle Beschreibung der Umgebung und Möglichkeiten. super Busanbindung nach Amalfi und weiter. schöne Terrasse zum Frühstücken mit Blick aufs Meer unter Olivenbäume.
Grandiose Aussicht auf die Amalfiküste ☺Grandiose Aussicht vom Zimmer mit Balkon und Frühstücksterrasse auf die Amalfiküste. Italienisches Flair. Familiengeführte Pension. Die Pension befindet sich im Ortsteil San Lazzaro und ist nur ca. 200 m von der Bushaltestelle nach Amalfi und Neapel entfernt. Die Gastgeber sind sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Gerardo hat mir auch einen guten Friseur empfohlen und auch hingefahren . Ausgezeichnetes Frühstück mit Rührei, Schinken, Käse, verschiedene selbstgemachte süße Teilchen, etc. ,Obst, Säfte und Riesen-Cappuccino/,Kaffee. Der Limoncello-Spritz ist einfach klasse. Wir waren leider nur 4 Tage dort, fast immer ausgebucht. Gerardo hat uns auch 2x ein tolles Abendessen zubereitet. Wir können diese tolle Pension jedem nur weiterempfehlen. Wir kommen wieder. Dankeschön an Gerardo, Alfonso und Maria.
Un séjour de rêve sur la Côte Amalfitaine ☺L'accueil par Gerardo et sa famille! C'est un lieu paisible où l'on se sent comme à la maison. Nous avons particulièrement apprécié la situation géographique pour visiter la côte Amalfitaine, loin du brouahah des touristes! La famille nous a également préparé le souper un soir, avec leurs produits locaux et artisanaux, ce sont les meilleurs raviolis qu'on a mangé en Italie! Et leur limoncello Spritz à tomber...! Merci encore pour votre accueil :-) ☹Rien
Overall we had an amazing time in amalfi, Gerardo and his lovely family made our stay comfortable. The location and the ☺Gerardo and his family are very friendly, helpful and welcoming. He helped us in finding our way for the buses and transportation. We arrived late after the Check in times, he didn’t charge us extra fees. And last day we ruined the towel by accident, he refused to charge us anything! Regarding the location, the view is amazing, very relaxing and peaceful, the terrace is overlooking the sea amazing view. Agerola is very cozy but small town, you can enjoy a walk and couple of restaurants there ☹The location of the property is not close to the main town of amalfi coast, the bus ride is an hour long. From Amalfi, you can get ferry or another bus to Positano, Capri, and other attractions on the coast. The bus rides are not easy as they are crowded most of the time, and standing up while moving up and down the mountain is challenging. The outdoor area of the place has flies in the evening, so you might not be able to sit outside. You don’t have to worry about AC, as the weather is nice in the evening up in the mountain.

Valutazione di ECCELLENTE
In base a 209 recensioni
Einfach Fabelhaft - Mille grazie! Wir waren 4 Tage hier und es war wunderbar, Gastfreundschaft pur.Es ist ein Familienbetrieb und das spürt man sofort. Der freundliche Empfang mit einem Glas Wein zur Begrüßung. Viele selbst gemachte Produkte, auch zum Kaufen wie Wein, Käse, Limoncello, eingelegte Tomaten etc. Das Frühstück ist sehr reichhaltig und super lecker mit den selbst gemachten Sachen. Alles ist sehr sauber. Die Umgebung zum Wandern und schöne Ausflüge ist herrlich, super Busverbindungen. Parkplatz am Haus. Gerardo hat immer viele gute Tips was zu tun ist und macht einen super Cappuchino, Maria hilft überall, macht die Zimmer, pflegt die Tomaten und bereitet diese zu. Mama und Papa sind auch immer im und ums Haus tätig. Wir waren zum Abendessen gerne bei Da Gigino eine sehr gute Trattoria ums Eck. Auf der Plaza gibt es eine nette Bar, Limoncello-Spritz probieren! Alles zusammen ein fabelhafter Aufenthalt, wir kommen gerne wieder. Mille grazie!
Just perfect. We stayed there for a week. Super clean, comfortable, with a huge balcony - yard. Superb breakfast, taken every morning at the most exquisite balcony of the area, with a magnificent view to the sea. Alfonso and his family are always willing to help in anything you may need. We had no problem at all while we were there. 3 minutes on foot from the square where the bus station and the shops are. Recommended for everyone who would choose San Lazzaro (Amalfi coast).
Recommended! First of all: the views from the breakfast balcony are top notch! Our room had no sea view but just walk one meter and you have the best amalfi coast experience. We were especially happy with the good parking space for our car, the vicinity of the bus stop, the breakfast and the puppies. The rooms are clean, shower nice and strong. Communication with the owners because of the language barrier sometimes a bit difficult. All part of the experience ;) All in all happy days and would recommend!
Susan B
Susan B
A beautiful retreat We had the best time here. This place is run by such a lovely family and is situated in a beautiful part of the country. There are direct and regular bus links to much of the Almafi coast. The views are stunning and the rooms were very comfortable, clean and the air conditioning was ideal!
Matt G
Matt G
I don’t know how did it get good rates This place isn’t systemized at all, the host isn’t attentive and absent which makes the customers feel unsafe. You need to ask about each and every single thing and wait for the response forever. If you just wanted a place for sleeping without a proper communication with the host, then choose this place.
Denisa Manouane
Denisa Manouane
Absolutely stunning! When looking to visit Amalfi, we were weary about not staying in the town because we thought the travel back and forth to other areas might detract from the overall stay. However, staying at MiraMare made our trip so much better. We absolutely loved the view from the B&B, especially at breakfast and at sunset. You're able to visit Amalfi and also escape to a quiet, beautiful town. Francesco and Gerardo were so accommodating. We were easily able to stay here without a car. In order to get to the B&B, we took a shuttle from Naples airport to the train station. From there, we took the train from Naples to Via Nocera on the Circumvesuviana, where we waited for a SITA bus to take us to Agerola. For this first bus trip, we paid in cash, about Є2 for two of us, but tickets can be bought at tabaccherias (make sure you do this for the trips to and from Amalfi). This may sound like a lot for the first day, but it was very doable and I believe the B&B offers other options for transportation if you're interested! One great advantage of this place is that Agerola is the first stop on the SITA bus line so you won't have to fight for seats on your way down to Amalfi. Just be mindful of the times the SITA bus returns to Agerola and how crowded they might be on the way back. We had no problems at all! Amalfi hotels are far too expensive and staying at MiraMare is an experience you don't want to miss out on :)
Hannah M
Hannah M
Magia pura!!!! Piccolo Bed & Breakfast affacciato sulla costiera amalfitana, ben tenuto, pulito con un panorama mozzafiato… Compreso nel prezzo c’è una colazione abbondantissima dolce-salata, con frutta. Accoglienza e ospitalità ottime: i gestori, una famiglia, sempre disponibili a dare consigli e suggerimenti per vivere al meglio la vacanza. Consigliatissimo ci torneremo 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Mara T
Mara T
Davvero Stupendo! B&b davvero stupendo!!! Un posto meraviglioso in ogni suo angolo. Svegliarsi la mattina e fare una ricca colazione con una vista direttamente sul mare é davvero qualcosa di paradisiaco qui.. Da mozzafiato..! Proprietari gentili e disponibilissimi. Da ritornarci sicuramente.
Fantastica struttura, vista mozzafiato, gentilezza rara Pulizia eccellente, vista spettacolare, quiete assoluta.. Gentilezza dei proprietari,colazioni buone ed abbondanti, anche con prodotti tipici e preparati in casa! Posizione comoda e collegata bene ad Amalfi, da cui si raggiungono tutte le mete da visitare. La sua altitudine è il segreto per godere della frescura serale, fuori dal caos della costiera. Consigliatissimo!
Sabrina D
Sabrina D
Alles top Agerola ist perfekt mit Kleinkind. Das BB MiraMare hat uns ebenfalls super gefallen, wahnsinnig schöne Aussicht, hochwertiges Frühstück, schönes und großes Zimmer, nette Gastgeber, usw. wir kommen gerne wieder! Die Einfahrt zum Hotel wird in den Bewertungen auch dramatisiert, alles halb so wild wenn man vernünftig Autofahren kann :)

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